Welcome to my blog!

2 minute read


print("Hello World")

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

This is a place where I get to share some of the things I have been working on and a vehicle to help me learn new skills.

A litle bit about me.

I am a recovering athlete with a coding problem and an obsession with learning stuff.

Somehow I have managed to convince someone that it’s a good idea to pay me for this obsession.

I’m at Oxford University doing my PhD in Environmental Science . I look at ways we can use satellites to improve our understanding of droughts. I focus on East Africa because it’s a region that has been particularly hard hit by droughts in recent decades.

I really really really want to improve my mathematical, computational and statistical skills while I’m doing my PhD and so I’m guessing a lot of content will be showcasing some of these things I’ve been learning about.

My aims with this blog are threefold:

Provide an outlet for my research.

       What’s the point of doing all of this cool stuff if you don’t get to share it! Communicating my research is not one of my strong points, but by practicing I hope to improve this.

Share code snippets and cool packages.

       I love coding and I am keen to learn new tricks and techniques. Maybe someone will actually read these posts and offer some suggestions on how else it could be done! Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Use data to answer interesting questions!

       I have been meaning to practice data visualisation in a public setting for a long time. I love the power of a powerful graphic to tell a story.

Over the next year and beyond hopefully I can share with you some of my thoughts and maybe even spark some interest in the things I do!

I am very keen on the idea that rapid iterations are better than striving for perfection. With that in mind I want to aim at 26 posts in 2019. There we go. An accountable target!

I believe that science is the vehicle for the proliferation of opportunity and the betterment of the human condition. Unless research is shared widely we can never live up to this lofty goal.

This is my very small contribution to sharing this wonderful journey towards a better existence for our species.

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